Sunday, February 28, 2016

Frankincense: The King of Oils

It looks like it is FINALLY starting to warm up! Thank goodness! I like a good winter but then, come on, let's get it over with! Am I right?!

Alice and I spent most of the weekend and the beginning of the week avoiding Rip - he was sick with something rather icky. Fever, chills, body wasn't pretty to see. I was diffusing Lemon, On Guard and even some Melaleuca one day like a crazy lady but it looks like she and I came out unscathed! A sick baby is THE WORST! She has also been incredibly fussy - still teething we believe. But we have oils to help with that :)

So, I've been thinking hard about what oil to do next.... I wanted to do another that people may not realize the full potential of so it came to me - Frankincense!

This oil is just amazing! When you read the overview of it in the Modern Essentials book it just blows your mind:

"Common primary uses: Alzheimer's Disease, Arthritis, Cancer, Coma, Depression, Immune System Support, Lou Gehrig's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Post Partum Depression, Ulcers, Wrinkles...." - just to name a few off the list. It really is amazing! 

Most people use Frankincense for it's wonderful skin healing properties. Cuts, scrapes, burns, rashes, sores - it’s also does wonders for mature, prematurely aging, and environmentally challenged skin. It's incredibly easy to add into your skin care regiment - just add a few drops to what you already use! Approximately 6 drops per ounce is a general rule of thumb but by no mean a hard core rule. You can add it to lotions, body washes, scrubs - anything. Just be mindful of what you are adding it to - these are oils we are talking about here so it may need to be shaken lightly for future use once the oil is added.

Now, I do want to say, that there has been a study on the affect Frankincense oil has on skin cancer and it apparently had great results. It gets a little overwhelming to start researching the studies done on other types of cancers as there are so many but from the research I've done it appears that although they are in the preliminary testing stages with Frankincense oil it seems positive at this point. I'm not saying Frankincense oil is the cure - just that it has had positive outcomes so far.

This one's a bit personal for me and a cause that's near and dear to my heart - my grandmother had Alzheimer's disease in her late life and it's a terrible disease to have to witness let alone, endure.

"Frankincense oil aids in oxygenation of blood to the brain, and this effect can aid in oxygen 
absorption and as a result, the ability of the brain to process and retain information. 
Frankincense oil also contains susquepertines, which have the ability to go beyond 
the blood/brain barrier and contribute greatly to balancing hormones and emotions. 
Susquepertines act to increase oxygenation of the pineal and pituitary glands in the brain, 
allowing for ideal balance of emotion-regulating and memory-stimulating
Even for just general memory support and to help keep a happy and healthy mind, Frankincense is great for this!
As always, diffusion is the best method but I also like placing a few drops in my hands and inhaling. You can also put 2 drops of frankincense oil on the roof of your mouth 2x daily but I personally add them to my veggie caps concoction every morning. OF course, you can add it topically to the bridge of your nose, behind your ears, back of your neck, wrists, etc. We will talk more about the best places to apply topically in my next blog post since it can be very confusing.
I love this oil and I hope you will seriously consider adding it to your list!
Until next time!
-Mama Bear Koken

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