I am torn with which oil to start with today but then I remember I need to rein myself in because they are some that don't even know what an essential oil is! CRAZY, RIGHT?! Not at all, there is SO much information on oils out there and it's important you know the facts about oils.
DoTERRA has AWESOME videos on their oils so I'm going to be posting a few here because they just do such an amazing job of explaining how they work and their process.
First up is just the basic "What are Essential Oils" video. Again, this video was pulled directly from doTERRA's informational website which helps us Wellness Advocates learn about oils and their properties. ENJOY!
Some pretty awesome stuff right?! Essential oils have been used for their numerous uses for centuries! Because they are straight from the source there are no harsh chemicals or additives to screw up what nature has already perfected!
Next is HOW to use essential oils. Single oils and even complex blends are effectively used in the following three ways:
1. Aromatic: The volatile nature of essential oils allows them to be easily evaporated and diffused throughout a larger space. Using this application method helps create an atmosphere where several individuals can enjoy the calming, stimulating, and soothing benefits of essential oils.
2. Topical: Essential oils are safely and easily absorbed by the skin allowing you to use a variety of topical application techniques to different parts of your body.
3. Internal: Whether you are taking capsules or the oil itself, essential oils can be used as dietary supplements supporting a variety of healthy conditions.
You will see the above icons in doTERRA literature to help you know how certain oils can be used. Some oils can be used just one way, while other can be used all 3!
For example, I am one of the few people who do not like the smell of Lavender too much so I rarely diffuse it unless its to help Ali get to sleep on a tough night. However, I do have a blend of Lavender and doTERRA's Serenity blend that I roll on my chest at night to help me sleep. I have these diluted in fractionated coconut oil to help them last longer and make them easier to apply however, some people dilute out of necessity for skin sensitivities. Oils that are used topically are typically applied to the place where the issue is but can vary.
Now, some peoples say to roll an oil on the bottom of your feet. It has been said that the pores in your feet are larger and therefor the best area for absorption. The fact is, your feet actually sweat more so whatever you are applying is being sweat off. Only about 10% is absorbed by the feet and reaches the bloodstream. What is the highest body part of the body for rate of absorption you might ask? Well you might wish you hadn't because it is, in fact, the scrotum. Yep....
"Feldmann and Maibach (1967) were the first to systemically explore the potential for regional variation in the percutaneous absorption. [...] The scrotum was the highest absorbing skin site. Skin absorption was lowest for the foot area, and highest around the head and face. (Bronaugh, Maibach, Percutaneous Absoprtion: Drugs--Cosmetics--Mechanisms--Methodology, Third Edition, 1999, CRC Press.)"
This is why inhalation is one of the best methods.
There is some debate on ingesting oils and the safety behind that method but we will touch on that topic another day.
There is a guide for using Essential Oils on the skin for those that may have certain sensitivities:
You will see these icons in almost every piece of doTERRA literature to help those that may have special needs when it comes to skin issues. NOW, I ALWAYS recommend diluting any oil. Amy Kreydin, a Board Certified Reflexologist and Clinically-trained Aromatherapist tells it best:
"Applying essential oils to the skin anywhere on the body should always be diluted. A couple of reasons why:
- Essential oils are 100 times more concentrated than the original plant.
- Essential oils work more effectively in low dilutions with the exception of clinical applications for infection control.
- Sensitization is a very real concern when using essential oils and undiluted applications raise your risks substantially.
Inhalation is still the quickest method of absorption in therapeutic aromatherapy. Topical applications come in second and should be applied to the areas of concern - Lavender in an aloe gel to the finger for a mild kitchen burn, Roman Chamomile in a carrier oil to the calves for muscle pain, Tea Tree in arrowroot powder and baking soda for Athlete's foot. Oral applications under the guidance of a qualified aromatherapist for intestinal parasites or an internal bacterial infection, but not as a daily supplement and never in a glass of water."(http://www.thebarefootdragonfly.com/essential-oils-and-the-feet/ )
So, Essential Oils are a natural way to get relief with common everyday issues we suffer from or deal with. I use Essential Oils literally every day.
1. I use lemon, wild orange and Melaleuca to clean with.
2. I use my Lavender diluted roll on at night to help me sleep.
3. Elevation inhaled and/or diffused during the day to help me stay focused and positive.
4. Frankincense diluted on my face and skin and also internally in a capsule as a wellness oil. Frankincense has long been known to help with the appearances of scars, fine lines and skin imperfections This oil has also been linked to cancer prevention.
5. Deep Blue at night for sore muscles and new aches I acquired from chasing Ali down.
6. I'm usually diffusing some citrus blend throughout the day to help me stay focused and keep a positive attitude.
8. I always have some sort of oil sugar scrub blend for in the shower. The avocado oil leaves me moisturized with super silky skin and my usual Grapefruit essential oil can help with cellulite and promotes healthy skin.
9. During the winter weather months or if some sort of crud is making the rounds in our small town I diffuse OnGuard - it's awesome for eliminating and controlling pathogens in the air AND it is also a great immune booster too.
These are just a few of my usual's - this isn't courting the other times when I have a specific need like a headache, upset stomach or feeling especially moody when my hormones are all out of whack.
So now you might ask why I chose doTERRA - honestly, when I signed up I didn't know crap about oils There is soooooo much to learn. But when I smelled the doTERRA oils compared to other companies that offered CPTG oils the smeller better. Yes, that what got me into oils....sad right?
From the doTERRA University Website:
There are two major factors that play a role in the effectiveness and quality of essential oils:
1. Plant Potency:
When selecting which plants are to be used for essential oil production, it is important that the plant is grown in the correct soil, temperature, and climate. When these factors are optimal, the plant will be able to reach its highest potency.
2. Oil Purity:
When oils contain fillers or other elements that dilute and alter their purity, their ability to function at their highest capacity is compromised. In order to enjoy all the benefits of essential oils, they must be used in their purest form.
dōTERRA has set the bar for essential oil purity and potency through rigorous scientific research and advanced testing of each oil that is put into production. As you implement dōTERRA essential oils into your life, you will be able to see firsthand the CPTG difference.
Lastly I love doTERRA because of it's commitment to helping others.
The dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is dōTERRA International’s registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to improving lives through partnering with organizations that offer hope to millions around the world. Healing Hands seeks to bring healing and hope to the world, for lives free of disease and poverty, and to ultimately empower impoverished communities with the tools needed to become self-reliant. dōTERRA International, LLC provides for all overhead and administrative costs of the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, ensuring that 100 percent of all donations go directly to those receiving aid.
Once I did enough research after signing up I knew I liked what I saw. You really don't fall in love with doTERRA though until you have your own "AHA!" experience using the oils.
"My Oil Testimony" post that I will post next will explain my "AHA!" moment for me. Ever since then I've been obsessed with trying out every single oil! It's been life changing for me - truly! I no longer have to worry about using harsh chemicals in my home and around baby Alice but also spend less time at the doctors office! Now, I am by no means saying oils take the place of modern medicine when it is truly necessary - get yourself checked people! But when I have a cold - I use OnGuard and it wipes it out. When I can't sleep - I use my Sleepy Time concoction and I'm out like a light - all night. When I have a headache - I use my Homemade headache salve to take care of it. It's truly wonderful.
If you want to check out more info about oils and even some DIY oil products click here to go to my doTERRA page: http://www.mydoterra.com/alisakoken/#/
I hope this has been a good intro to oils for you! I'll start tomorrow with Lemon Oil - it is one of the top 3 most used oils for its almost endless uses and one of my favorites! See you then!
- Mama Bear Koken
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