Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Food of Love

This is a blog. I'm supposed to tell you about myself and my family and why I started a blog. The thought of it makes me cringe - I'm terrible at this. Good, now that I've lowered your expectations let get started....

I am 27, a wife and new mom and I started this blog to share my current journey with essential oils and my road to being a better me.

I recently set out on a new journey to better my inner self. I can see me poking at her with a fire poker to get out of those mystery stained sweatpants, put down the box of Keebler cookies and step up to the Grand Canyon sized cliff the rest of us call "adulthood"...Ick. There it is. That word. I've been telling myself all these years - "I've got time". Time to work on my potty mouth, time to keep a cleaner house (hah!), time to prioritize more and procrastinate less, time to give more to my marriage, time to express my feelings when it counts, time to grow up...suddenly I've gone from giggling about my "wordy dird" slip in front of my mother to realizing I've got to get my crap together.

I know everyone goes through these emotional valleys. Suddenly we have to do better, try better, be better. It's usually short lived - I'm the queen of "short term self better-ment". It's embarrassing really. If I'm honest, is my current homework for myself. Everything has changed in the past year. I went from working full time and putting minimal effort into my marriage to having a baby and getting a wake up call from my marriage.

 It's that slow devouring ooze that gets us all. It sucks you in day by day slowly making you forget about what he really likes for dinner or that you used to take long walks together or that you told yourself you would call your parents once a week or that you would be better about your daily devotionals. It makes you forget what's really important and its a vicious cycle. Hit bottom, climb your way out, do better for a while, get comfortable, hit bottom again.

I'm working on it but I must admit I've got my favorite excuses and there's the famous chaos tornado called "life". I'm honestly just trying to get by most days but now that there's baby Alice I've got to...wait for it...DO BETTER! I'm trying to live a healthier life - inside and out. I've got to start being a good role model for her - it's hard growing up a girl.

So I will share my oily ideas with you and maybe even some heavier stuff other days - I'm challenging myself to be honest in hopes others can be honest at least with themselves. I hope you will let me know what you think and join me in this quest for better-ment.

My to-do this week: Create my vision board.

This weeks "Food of Love": What ever thoughts consume your mind, control your life.

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