Sunday, February 28, 2016

Frankincense: The King of Oils

It looks like it is FINALLY starting to warm up! Thank goodness! I like a good winter but then, come on, let's get it over with! Am I right?!

Alice and I spent most of the weekend and the beginning of the week avoiding Rip - he was sick with something rather icky. Fever, chills, body wasn't pretty to see. I was diffusing Lemon, On Guard and even some Melaleuca one day like a crazy lady but it looks like she and I came out unscathed! A sick baby is THE WORST! She has also been incredibly fussy - still teething we believe. But we have oils to help with that :)

So, I've been thinking hard about what oil to do next.... I wanted to do another that people may not realize the full potential of so it came to me - Frankincense!

This oil is just amazing! When you read the overview of it in the Modern Essentials book it just blows your mind:

"Common primary uses: Alzheimer's Disease, Arthritis, Cancer, Coma, Depression, Immune System Support, Lou Gehrig's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's Disease, Post Partum Depression, Ulcers, Wrinkles...." - just to name a few off the list. It really is amazing! 

Most people use Frankincense for it's wonderful skin healing properties. Cuts, scrapes, burns, rashes, sores - it’s also does wonders for mature, prematurely aging, and environmentally challenged skin. It's incredibly easy to add into your skin care regiment - just add a few drops to what you already use! Approximately 6 drops per ounce is a general rule of thumb but by no mean a hard core rule. You can add it to lotions, body washes, scrubs - anything. Just be mindful of what you are adding it to - these are oils we are talking about here so it may need to be shaken lightly for future use once the oil is added.

Now, I do want to say, that there has been a study on the affect Frankincense oil has on skin cancer and it apparently had great results. It gets a little overwhelming to start researching the studies done on other types of cancers as there are so many but from the research I've done it appears that although they are in the preliminary testing stages with Frankincense oil it seems positive at this point. I'm not saying Frankincense oil is the cure - just that it has had positive outcomes so far.

This one's a bit personal for me and a cause that's near and dear to my heart - my grandmother had Alzheimer's disease in her late life and it's a terrible disease to have to witness let alone, endure.

"Frankincense oil aids in oxygenation of blood to the brain, and this effect can aid in oxygen 
absorption and as a result, the ability of the brain to process and retain information. 
Frankincense oil also contains susquepertines, which have the ability to go beyond 
the blood/brain barrier and contribute greatly to balancing hormones and emotions. 
Susquepertines act to increase oxygenation of the pineal and pituitary glands in the brain, 
allowing for ideal balance of emotion-regulating and memory-stimulating
Even for just general memory support and to help keep a happy and healthy mind, Frankincense is great for this!
As always, diffusion is the best method but I also like placing a few drops in my hands and inhaling. You can also put 2 drops of frankincense oil on the roof of your mouth 2x daily but I personally add them to my veggie caps concoction every morning. OF course, you can add it topically to the bridge of your nose, behind your ears, back of your neck, wrists, etc. We will talk more about the best places to apply topically in my next blog post since it can be very confusing.
I love this oil and I hope you will seriously consider adding it to your list!
Until next time!
-Mama Bear Koken

Monday, February 22, 2016

Peppermint Oil - More than Fresh Breath!

Good morning all!

I'm not sure why, but I have a very happy baby on my hands today! Thank you LORD! She still hasn't managed to crawl yet but she does the belly bounce where she moves back and forth on her hands and knees as if to say, "Come on! Move forward!"

In preparation for this milestone I've been searching Googleland near and far for this beauty:

One can dream....

It may be a gloomy Monday outside but inside we are diffusing a combo of Lemon and OnGuard - Hubs is feeling under the weather. Its a great blend to wake me right out of my sleep that has become a hibernation-like rest since Lavender for me. But today we are moving on to Peppermint Oil!

For centuries Peppermint Oil has been used to soothe digestive difficulties (including IBS and Crohn's Disease), relieving colic, gas headaches, heartburn and indigestion! This versatile oil has also been documented to have great result with autism patients:

"Peppermint oil (mentha arvensis) has wonderful anti-inflammatory 
properties that, when used on a regular basis, can help to combat inflammation in the 
body. In people with autism, limiting the amount of inflammation within the body can, over 
time, help to reduce many diverse symptoms of autism. Additionally, peppermint oil can 
be stimulating to the brain. Since autism is a physical condition linked to abnormal biology 
and chemistry in the brain, peppermint oil helps to oxygenate brain cells and maintain 
focus. When used over time, many people on the autism spectrum can greatly benefit from a 
I had the opportunity to see this oil in action at my very first oil class. My instructors husband was present in the class, we had just gotten started when he suddenly collapsed. We scattered to help him but he was unconscious. I was pregnant and was of little help at the time so I went to call 911 while the other went to try to sit him up and wake him. To the paramedics surprise he was awake when the got there - his wife has grabbed a bottle of Peppermint Oil and placed it under his nose for him to inhale. When he started to come to she placed a few drops on his tongue. Peppermint oil is an amazing oil for alertness - I've seen it in action. He was sent to the hospital and later they found an issue that needed resolving - the procedure was performed and all is well. It was an unplanned but amazing example of just how beneficial oils can be!
There is a reason Peppermint is in your toothpaste too - other than the fact that it just tastes good. When blended with toothpaste, Peppermint Oil was found to be more effective at lower concentrations in inhibiting the formation of dental plaque that the most commonly used antiseptic, chlorhexidine. In fact, Peppermint and Spearmint Oil both inhibit resistant strains of Staph, E. Coli, Salmonella, and other "little nasties".
Peppermint Oil is a major digestive oil. In a study with children consuming peppermint oil in enteric-coated capsules a reduced severity of pain associated with IBS was reported. Another study showed that patients who took a peppermint oil formulation in enteric-coated capsules were found to have a significantly higher reduction of symptoms compared to those taking a placebo. Peppermint oil alone of paired with ginger oil is great to inhale for nausea or even diluted and rubbed directly on the stomach (think above the belly button). For heartburn its best to dilute a few drops in some fractionated coconut oil and rub directly on the site (typically sternum up to base of the throat). There is also an oil by doTERRA called DigestZen that is specifically made for digestion issues tat works really well. DigestZen contains a unique combination of Ginger, Peppermint, Caraway, Anise, Coriander, Tarragon, and Fennel to aid in digestion and ease mild or occasional stomach discomfort in a soothing and natural way. It comes in several forms including oil form and capsule form. To order it you can click here and click on the "Shop" tab at the top of the page:
I have several friends who have battled with headaches and migraines - it's pretty bad to witness, unfortunately unbearable to encounter first hand. Two drops of Peppermint oil on the temples (I dilute everything in fractionated coconut oil but it is said to be safe to use neat or undiluted) is the usual remedy for headaches and migraines. Those I have exposed Peppermint oil to swear by it and it most certainly works for me when I get the occasional headache.
So, overall, you can see why I chose Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint to start with. They are the top 3 used oils and for good reasons! Their versatility and quality make them consumer favorites - not to mention the smells!
If you have any interest in learning more about oils (click on the "Essential Oils 101" tab) or want to sign up as a wellness advocate for doTERRA (click the "Join and Save" tab) to receive wholesale pricing and other great benefits, click here:
If you have any question you can email me at
I hope you have a wonderful day and God bless you all!
-Mama Bear Koken

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Lovely Lavender

Ok, so I have to tell you Alice is now cutting her 5th tooth at 7 and a half months old....yeah, life is pretty crazy in the Koken House right now.... Talking about oils is my escape from the day that will most definitely be filled with "loads" of laundry, a round up of the multiplying doggie tumbleweeds, and heaps of dirty diapers...only the last one does a mom look forward to so she can check off "normal bowels" on the good parenting board every day.

Oh have no idea...

Also, if you are in the same boat at me - get these. Dollar general and Publix have them. Cut up favorite fruit/veggie into small chunks and freeze them. Then, when the time comes, and you know it will, shove as many frozen pieces as you can in this contraption, hand to baby and WALK AWAY!  I love these things - they've been our saving grace through these little monsters of teeth....

Enough of that...let's talk oils!

 Lavender....I feel like it doesn't get enough love for its many other uses. Sure we all know it helps with relaxation and sleep - I know best of all. But did you know it's great for acne or poison ivy/oak or even an array of skin issues? It's also beneficial for PMS or menopause - even for dandruff and diaper rash!

Here is the minute long video from doTERRA for Lavender:

Pretty good stuff right?!

Now I have to be honest with you - if you've read any of my previous posts you know I don't totally dig the smell of Lavender...I know, I know. I can deal with it diffused but I use very little on my temples and behind my ears (diluted) at bed time because the smell is just a little too much for me. Now the hubby - LOVES it! To each his own....

I still use it and LOVE what it has done for me at night - sleeping the whole night through was a rarity for me in the past. Now I have no issues whatsoever - I even tried to go without it one night....NEVER again! I found myself lying there at 2 AM wide away and I quickly applied my oils and 20 minutes later I was out. I used to lie away for HOURS!

It's also pretty amazing for skin issues. I am one of the few who are lucky enough to only get the occasional blemish but when I do Lavender usually clears it up within about a day or two compared to the usual 5-7 day stretch.

Now one thing I do use Lavender for A LOT is diaper rash ointment - here is the link to it from the doTERRA blog: . In the "what you need" section it only says Lavender but below that is says Melaleuca as well - I do a combo of both or sometime I swap out the Melaleuca for Roman Chamomile.

I also get wicked dry skin in the winter but mainly for my scalp I use this DIY recipe, again, from doTERRA: . I just make sure to use Lavender oil where is says to add the oils you want. You can also use Wintergreen, Cypress, Rosemary, Cedarwood and Thyme - all good options for dandruff! I also make an after shower spray for my hair to help repair any damage and make it super shiny. You will need:
  • Coconut oil –  deep conditions hair
  • Lavender Oil – will not only make your hair smell good but also help in treating dandruff, dry and itchy scalp.
  • Distilled or filtered water or rose water
  • Few drops of vitamin e oil (optional)
  • Add 2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil with 3 drops of lavender oil along with 1 cup of filtered water into a spray bottle. Shake well each time your use it and mist it all over your hair - but you don't need a lot.

    Also, adding a drop of Lavender to your mascara can help strengthen and volumize your lashes - just be careful not to get it IN your eyes.

    Bugs don't really care for the smell of Lavender so it's great in a spray before going outside to help ward off pests.

    Research has proven that aromatherapy with Lavender has assisted in the alleviation of PMS and menopause symptoms. Here is a good article on the affects of Lavender and menopause: .

    I hope this has been a good one for you today and you will think of Lavender when you are stumped - it has way more uses that what we have even touched on here. See the info page below:

    If you want to learn more about oils or have an interest in becoming a wellness advocate with doTERRA click here:

    or email me at:

    Until next time - which will be long!

    -Mama Bear Koken

    Saturday, February 20, 2016

    When Life Hands you Lemon Essential Oil...

    I. LOVE. Lemon. Essential. Oil.

    It has about a bajillion uses and it smells like heaven...because I am convinced the angels smell like lemon oil up there....

    You can diffuse it as a pick me up, you can clean with it, you can even use it to help cure your hangover...chyeah....

    So, below I will add the screenshots of the Lemon section in the "Modern Essential" book AKA the Oil Bible but I want to hit just a few of the highlights.

    This video is less than a minute long and just briefly touches on Lemon Oil:

    So, awesome to use for an alternative to harsh chemicals when cleaning the home (not to mention - THE SMELL!), has amazing antioxidant properties and helps support healthy respiratory function and has been proven to improve mood and cognitive ability, among several other things.

    I personally use Lemon Oil as a mood booster around the house by diffusing it during the day - sometimes I'll add in one or two other oils depending on the circumstances.

    I also use it to clean pretty much my entire home. I get all my recipes for my DIY cleaning products on my personal doTERRA page: . It has bath bombs, foot lotion, kid soaps, wood polish, glass cleaner, fabric softener - if you can think it, it has it.

    Lemon Oil is also known for removing gum , wood stain, stickers...pretty much anything.

    Some add Lemon Oil to their daily facial regime to assist with the removal off dead skin cells and help remove dark spots, although you should avoid sun exposure for approximately 12 hours when using lemon oil on your skin as it can cause extra skin irritation when exposed to sunlight.

    Lemon Oil has also been proved to reduce morning sickness - just by inhaling it!

    I can't say enough about this oil so I'll stop here but seriously, check out the DIY page link above - it will change your life and SAVE YOU MONEY! Also, look at the images below for a full lowdown on Lemon Oil!

    Next up will be Lavender - stay tuned!

    Also, if you want to learn more about oils or are thinking of signing up as a wholesale member check out my doTERRA page:

    -Mama Bear Koken

    Friday, February 19, 2016

    My Essential Oils Testimony

    Many people are skeptical to the world of essential oils. I was one of them. The problem is that there is just - so - much - information! It's mind boggling! And a lot of people just repost what they have been told instead of doing their research.

    I got into doTERRA Essential Oils last Spring. It was the new thing going around and I thought, why not - I like the way they smelled.... Life happened, I got pregnant, was working full time and didn't have the time to dedicate to learning about the oils. I tried them and diffused them and noticed the citrus oils improved my mood and I was using them to clean with, but I wasn't convinced they were really all they were cracked up to be.

    Within the last year I have had a really difficult time sleeping. I would wake up around midnight and lay awake for hours - sometimes until morning! It was infuriating! I tried everything - wearing myself out running around all day so I would be tired, sleepy time teas, nighttime baths - I finally decided to give the oils a try when there wasn't anything else to lose.

    The first night I used Lavender and Serenity diluted in Fractionated Coconut Oil and rolled it on my chest. I don't particularly like the smell of Lavender but I was so desperate to try anything. I SLEPT LIKE A BABY ALL NIGHT! I woke up and thought, "huh, that's ironic. Doubt it will work 2 nights in a row...". Well, it did. And the next night and the next night and the next until I started scratching my head over it.

    Really? That's it? No way...there's got to be more to it. Well, so far, there isn't. Life with Alice has been a whirlwind. I was running my body and mind into a stress tornado that I couldn't' pull myself out of. Suddenly, leaving the house was terrifying - a baby who screamed the entire time! Must. Finish. Everything. While. She. Sleeps. The house is a wreck - who can keep a clean house with a baby?! Seriously?! People do this! This is INSANE!

    Omg I swear Lexus always has to flush to toilet for me every SINGLE time !!! - MJ:
    I have since learned to listen to my body a little bit better and recognize when I am LOSING MY MOMMY MIND! Which happens...frequently....ok, a lot. But I have a few more items in my toolbox to help me combat the daily stresses life has thrown at me along with this sweet angel we somehow created with some help from the Man upstairs.
    What's your "Oil Testimony Story"? If you don't have one yet you need to find yours! It helps you spread the good news to others when you can have a life changing experience to back it up when skeptics come running to squash us all with their half empty glass-ness to the sound of good news....

    If you want to check out more info about oils or even some DIY oil products click here to go to my doTERRA page:
    -Mama Bear Koken

    Essential Oils Basics

    Good morning! It is seriously a gorgeous day today and I plan to make an effort to get Alice outside today!

    I am torn with which oil to start with today but then I remember I need to rein myself in because they are some that don't even know what an essential oil is! CRAZY, RIGHT?! Not at all, there is SO much information on oils out there and it's important you know the facts about oils.

    DoTERRA has AWESOME videos on their oils so I'm going to be posting a few here because they just do such an amazing job of explaining how they work and their process.


    First up is just the basic "What are Essential Oils" video. Again, this video was pulled directly from doTERRA's informational website which helps us Wellness Advocates learn about oils and their properties. ENJOY!

    Some pretty awesome stuff right?! Essential oils have been used for their numerous uses for centuries! Because they are straight from the source there are no harsh chemicals or additives to screw up what nature has already perfected!



    Next is HOW to use essential oils. Single oils and even complex blends are effectively used in the following three ways:

    1. Aromatic: The volatile nature of essential oils allows them to be easily evaporated and diffused throughout a larger space. Using this application method helps create an atmosphere where several individuals can enjoy the calming, stimulating, and soothing benefits of essential oils.

    2. Topical: Essential oils are safely and easily absorbed by the skin allowing you to use a variety of topical application techniques to different parts of your body.

    3. Internal: Whether you are taking capsules or the oil itself, essential oils can be used as dietary supplements supporting a variety of healthy conditions.
    You will see the above icons in doTERRA literature to help you know how certain oils can be used. Some oils can be used just one way, while other can be used all 3! 
    For example, I am one of the few people who do not like the smell of Lavender too much so I rarely diffuse it unless its to help Ali get to sleep on a tough night. However, I do have a blend of Lavender and doTERRA's Serenity blend that I roll on my chest at night to help me sleep. I have these diluted in fractionated coconut oil to help them last longer and make them easier to apply however, some people dilute out of necessity for skin sensitivities. Oils that are used topically are typically applied to the place where the issue is but can vary.
    Now, some peoples say to roll an oil on the bottom of your feet. It has been said that the pores in your feet are larger and therefor the best area for absorption. The fact is, your feet actually sweat more so whatever you are applying is being sweat off. Only about 10% is absorbed by the feet and reaches the bloodstream. What is the highest body part of the body for rate of absorption you might ask? Well you might wish you hadn't because it is, in fact, the scrotum. Yep.... 
    "Feldmann and Maibach (1967) were the first to systemically explore the potential for regional variation in the percutaneous absorption. [...] The scrotum was the highest absorbing skin site. Skin absorption was lowest for the foot area, and highest around the head and face. (Bronaugh, Maibach, Percutaneous Absoprtion: Drugs--Cosmetics--Mechanisms--Methodology, Third Edition, 1999, CRC Press.)"
    This is why inhalation is one of the best methods.
    There is some debate on ingesting oils and the safety behind that method but we will touch on that topic another day.
    There is a guide for using Essential Oils on the skin for those that may have certain sensitivities:
    You will see these icons in almost every piece of doTERRA literature to help those that may have special needs when it comes to skin issues. NOW, I ALWAYS recommend diluting any oil. Amy Kreydin, a Board Certified Reflexologist and Clinically-trained Aromatherapist tells it best:
    "Applying essential oils to the skin anywhere on the body should always be diluted. A couple of reasons why:
    1. Essential oils are 100 times more concentrated than the original plant.
    2. Essential oils work more effectively in low dilutions with the exception of clinical applications for infection control.
    3. Sensitization is a very real concern when using essential oils and undiluted applications raise your risks substantially.
    Inhalation is still the quickest method of absorption in therapeutic aromatherapy. Topical applications come in second and should be applied to the areas of concern - Lavender in an aloe gel to the finger for a mild kitchen burn, Roman Chamomile in a carrier oil to the calves for muscle pain, Tea Tree in arrowroot powder and baking soda for Athlete's foot. Oral applications under the guidance of a qualified aromatherapist for intestinal parasites or an internal bacterial infection, but not as a daily supplement and never in a glass of water."( )
     So, Essential Oils are a natural way to get relief with common everyday issues we suffer from or deal with. I use Essential Oils literally every day.
    1. I use lemon, wild orange and Melaleuca to clean with.
    2. I use my Lavender diluted roll on at night to help me sleep.
    3. Elevation inhaled and/or diffused during the day to help me stay focused and positive. 
    4. Frankincense diluted on my face and skin and also internally in a capsule as a wellness oil. Frankincense has long been known to help with the appearances of scars, fine lines and skin imperfections This oil has also been linked to cancer prevention.
    5. Deep Blue at night for sore muscles and new aches I acquired from chasing Ali down.
    6. I'm usually diffusing some citrus blend throughout the day to help me stay focused and keep a positive attitude.
    8. I always have some sort of oil sugar scrub blend for in the shower. The avocado oil leaves me moisturized with super silky skin and my usual Grapefruit essential oil can help with cellulite and promotes healthy skin.
    9. During the winter weather months or if some sort of crud is making the rounds in our small town I diffuse OnGuard  - it's awesome for eliminating and controlling pathogens in the air AND it is also a great immune booster too.
    These are just a few of my usual's - this isn't courting the other times when I have a specific need like a headache, upset stomach or feeling especially moody when my hormones are all out of whack.
    So now you might ask why I chose doTERRA - honestly, when I signed up I didn't know crap about oils There is soooooo much to learn. But when I smelled the doTERRA oils compared to other companies that offered CPTG oils the smeller better. Yes, that what got me into oils....sad right?
    From the doTERRA University Website:
    There are two major factors that play a role in the effectiveness and quality of essential oils:

    1. Plant Potency:

    When selecting which plants are to be used for essential oil production, it is important that the plant is grown in the correct soil, temperature, and climate. When these factors are optimal, the plant will be able to reach its highest potency.

    2. Oil Purity:

    When oils contain fillers or other elements that dilute and alter their purity, their ability to function at their highest capacity is compromised. In order to enjoy all the benefits of essential oils, they must be used in their purest form.
    dōTERRA has set the bar for essential oil purity and potency through rigorous scientific research and advanced testing of each oil that is put into production. As you implement dōTERRA essential oils into your life, you will be able to see firsthand the CPTG difference.
    Lastly I love doTERRA because of it's commitment to helping others.
    The dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation is dōTERRA International’s registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to improving lives through partnering with organizations that offer hope to millions around the world. Healing Hands seeks to bring healing and hope to the world, for lives free of disease and poverty, and to ultimately empower impoverished communities with the tools needed to become self-reliant. dōTERRA International, LLC provides for all overhead and administrative costs of the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation, ensuring that 100 percent of all donations go directly to those receiving aid.
    Once I did enough research after signing up I knew I liked what I saw. You really don't fall in love with doTERRA though until you have your own "AHA!" experience using the oils.
    "My Oil Testimony" post that I will post next will explain my "AHA!" moment for me. Ever since then I've been obsessed with trying out every single oil! It's been life changing for me - truly! I no longer have to worry about using harsh chemicals in my home and around baby Alice but also spend less time at the doctors office! Now, I am by no means saying oils take the place of modern medicine when it is truly necessary - get yourself checked people! But when I have a cold - I use OnGuard and it wipes it out. When I can't sleep - I use my Sleepy Time concoction and I'm out like a light - all night. When I have a headache - I use my Homemade headache salve to take care of it. It's truly wonderful.

    If you want to check out more info about oils and even some DIY oil products click here to go to my doTERRA page:
    I hope this has been a good intro to oils for you! I'll start tomorrow with Lemon Oil - it is one of the top 3 most used oils for its almost endless uses and one of my favorites! See you then!
    - Mama Bear Koken

    Thursday, February 18, 2016

    The Food of Love

    This is a blog. I'm supposed to tell you about myself and my family and why I started a blog. The thought of it makes me cringe - I'm terrible at this. Good, now that I've lowered your expectations let get started....

    I am 27, a wife and new mom and I started this blog to share my current journey with essential oils and my road to being a better me.

    I recently set out on a new journey to better my inner self. I can see me poking at her with a fire poker to get out of those mystery stained sweatpants, put down the box of Keebler cookies and step up to the Grand Canyon sized cliff the rest of us call "adulthood"...Ick. There it is. That word. I've been telling myself all these years - "I've got time". Time to work on my potty mouth, time to keep a cleaner house (hah!), time to prioritize more and procrastinate less, time to give more to my marriage, time to express my feelings when it counts, time to grow up...suddenly I've gone from giggling about my "wordy dird" slip in front of my mother to realizing I've got to get my crap together.

    I know everyone goes through these emotional valleys. Suddenly we have to do better, try better, be better. It's usually short lived - I'm the queen of "short term self better-ment". It's embarrassing really. If I'm honest, is my current homework for myself. Everything has changed in the past year. I went from working full time and putting minimal effort into my marriage to having a baby and getting a wake up call from my marriage.

     It's that slow devouring ooze that gets us all. It sucks you in day by day slowly making you forget about what he really likes for dinner or that you used to take long walks together or that you told yourself you would call your parents once a week or that you would be better about your daily devotionals. It makes you forget what's really important and its a vicious cycle. Hit bottom, climb your way out, do better for a while, get comfortable, hit bottom again.

    I'm working on it but I must admit I've got my favorite excuses and there's the famous chaos tornado called "life". I'm honestly just trying to get by most days but now that there's baby Alice I've got to...wait for it...DO BETTER! I'm trying to live a healthier life - inside and out. I've got to start being a good role model for her - it's hard growing up a girl.

    So I will share my oily ideas with you and maybe even some heavier stuff other days - I'm challenging myself to be honest in hopes others can be honest at least with themselves. I hope you will let me know what you think and join me in this quest for better-ment.

    My to-do this week: Create my vision board.

    This weeks "Food of Love": What ever thoughts consume your mind, control your life.