Saturday, February 20, 2016

When Life Hands you Lemon Essential Oil...

I. LOVE. Lemon. Essential. Oil.

It has about a bajillion uses and it smells like heaven...because I am convinced the angels smell like lemon oil up there....

You can diffuse it as a pick me up, you can clean with it, you can even use it to help cure your hangover...chyeah....

So, below I will add the screenshots of the Lemon section in the "Modern Essential" book AKA the Oil Bible but I want to hit just a few of the highlights.

This video is less than a minute long and just briefly touches on Lemon Oil:

So, awesome to use for an alternative to harsh chemicals when cleaning the home (not to mention - THE SMELL!), has amazing antioxidant properties and helps support healthy respiratory function and has been proven to improve mood and cognitive ability, among several other things.

I personally use Lemon Oil as a mood booster around the house by diffusing it during the day - sometimes I'll add in one or two other oils depending on the circumstances.

I also use it to clean pretty much my entire home. I get all my recipes for my DIY cleaning products on my personal doTERRA page: . It has bath bombs, foot lotion, kid soaps, wood polish, glass cleaner, fabric softener - if you can think it, it has it.

Lemon Oil is also known for removing gum , wood stain, stickers...pretty much anything.

Some add Lemon Oil to their daily facial regime to assist with the removal off dead skin cells and help remove dark spots, although you should avoid sun exposure for approximately 12 hours when using lemon oil on your skin as it can cause extra skin irritation when exposed to sunlight.

Lemon Oil has also been proved to reduce morning sickness - just by inhaling it!

I can't say enough about this oil so I'll stop here but seriously, check out the DIY page link above - it will change your life and SAVE YOU MONEY! Also, look at the images below for a full lowdown on Lemon Oil!

Next up will be Lavender - stay tuned!

Also, if you want to learn more about oils or are thinking of signing up as a wholesale member check out my doTERRA page:

-Mama Bear Koken

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